Aldersmead Care Home ‘Complaint Procedure’ and details on how to raise a concern are posted in the main reception area and can be made available upon request. A complaint can be raised at any time either by a resident or any person acting on a resident’s behalf by following the steps below.
Manager or Nurse in-charge must record all complaints in 'Complaints Register'
Wherever possible, the manager will endeavour to resolve a complaint at an early stage if appropriate.
In agreement with the complainant the time limit for resolution may be extended for a further 14 days should this become necessary
If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint investigation or the way in which it has been dealt with then proceed to the next stage.
Complaints requiring formal consideration will be dealt with either by the registered Provider or a designated person, independent to the management of the care home.
Address your complaint in writing to the Registered / Designated Person:
The designated person will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing within 5 working days. The designated person will undertake a thorough investigation of the issues raised in the complaint
The designated person will respond in writing to the complainant, summarising the nature of the complaint, conclusions and any action taken as a result The designated person will send a copy of the written response to the CQC and any relevant authority involved in the resident’s placement at Aldersmead Care Home, if necessary.
The designated person will endeavour to resolve a complaint dealt with by way of formal consideration as soon as reasonably practicable up to 35 days of receiving the written complaint
In agreement with the complainant the time limit for resolution may be extended further should this become necessary.
In the event of a complaint not being fully resolved within the timescale of 35 days, the CQC will be notified in writing giving the reasons for the delay, if necessary
The authority responsible for the registration and inspection of Aldersmead is:
If a complaint involves the Registered Manager or the Registered Person then please write in the first instance, marking the envelope ‘Private and Confidential’ to:
Alternatively, you may contact CQC directly
The Registered Person will advise a complainant, if a complaint requires special consideration in line with new regulatory requirements